Off the beaten path

Beyond the popular and oft-visited, there are the hidden gems that lie off the beaten path. Quaint towns and villages, quirks of nature, the quieter side of life. Seeking out these destinations, the thrill of discovery and exploring them is what really satisfies the traveller in us.
So, how did Asia’s first oil refinery get its name? You heard it right – Digboi. The…
In 2011, in the month of October, we spent 21 days in the north-eastern states of…
A steam engine in the jungle!!! The alarm on my mobile phone was set at 4.30.…
We let the dust from the road shimmy around our feet and the silence wrap us…
Sikkim, the orchard state, can stun you with its many natural treasures. But there is one…
Half a century ago, India suffered its worst military attack, and subsequent defeat, throwing open a…
It was 5 pm and the sun was already on the wrong side of the horizon.…
In the 1992 best seller, ‘Bridges of Madison County’, when National Geographic photographer Robert Kincaid drives…